I’m LORRAINE BOWEN, I’m the CRUMBLE LADY and this was my
Are you always thinking up totally amazing songs?
Do you make brilliant music with your friends?
Are you between eight and eleven years old?
Then I want to hear from you!
Enter the #crumbleladychallenge to win:
- A songwriting masterclass with me Lorraine Bowen
- A signed Crumble Lady CD and book
- A Crumble Lady T-Shirt
- Chance to appear in a future Crumble Lady YouTube video
We wanna hear your
- One entry per person.
- Your entry must be between 30 sec and two mins in length and needs to be in MP3 format.
- Your entry must be all your own work – not your friend Will-I-Am helping you!
- No covers please, your tune must be original
- Something you can listen to with the Crumble Lady (no naughty words, or violence).
- Permission from a parent or guardian to enter the Crumble Lady Challenge.
- Entries must be received by Thursday 30th November 2017
Here are Lorraine’s top tips for entering the competition… we want your tune to have an original theme, words, rhythm and melody. It doesn’t have to sound mega professional as long as I can hear what you’re singing! Just get someone to record you on their phone or something like that. You’ll get extra credit if you send me a LIVE recording.

1st place
1 hour one-on-one songwriting masterclass with Lorrain Bowen
Framed certificate
Crumble Lady T-shirt, Signed CD and Book
Chance to appear in a future Lorraine Bowen YouTube video
2nd place
Crumble Lady T-shirt, Signed CD and Book
3rd place
Signed copy of my CD and Book
So go on – think up a great new song, sing it, record it and send it to me. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with!
- By entering this competition, you agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions. All entry instructions form part of the terms and conditions of this competition.
- This competition is open to anyone aged 8 to 11 on 30 November 2017 who is a resident of the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Parents or guardians must enter on behalf of all entrants and are required to approve the entry and agree to these terms and conditions by way of a check box on the online entry form or on the downloadable entry form.
- To enter this competition you must record an original song which is no more than 120 seconds / 2 min long. All entries should be submitted in English. Only one entry per person is allowed. If one entrant submits more than one song, only their first song will be considered.
- The winning song will be published so it is important that entrants do not include any personal details about themselves. Entries must not contain any unsuitable, obscene, offensive or defamatory material. Entries which do not adhere to these terms and conditions may be removed from the competition.
- Entries become the property of the Promoter and cannot be returned so please remember to retain a copy. No feedback on an entry will be given.
- By entering this competition each entrant confirms that his/her entry is their wholly-owned creation and to the extent that such entry makes use of any third party materials that these have been fully cleared unless they are no longer protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights. Entrants will keep the Promoter harmless from any claims in relation to their entry that the entry infringes the personal or proprietary right of any other person. By submitting an entry, each entrant (or their parent/guardian on their behalf) grants to the Promoter a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to edit, publish, translate, modify, adapt, make available and distribute the entry throughout the world in any media now known or here after invented. Each entrant (or their parent/guardian on their behalf) undertakes to complete any necessary documentation to formalise the licence. If you do not want to grant us these rights, please do not submit materials to us. The entries will be put on a Soundcloud App which can be heard by the public.
- By entering this competition the entrant agrees that the Promoter may at its sole discretion edit, adapt, abridge or translate the entry for purposes listed in clause 6 above.
- Entry opens on 10th November 2017 and the closing date for the competition is noon GMT 1st December 2017 (closing date). Entries received after the closing date will not be considered. Responsibility will not be accepted for corrupted, illegible, incomplete, lost or damaged entries, whether due to system error or otherwise. Automatically generated entries or entries via agents or third parties are invalid and will not be considered.
- All correctly completed entries will first be judged by the Promoters.The winner will be the entry that in the opinion of the judges is the most creative and well written.
- There will be one winner. The winner’s song will be published on Lorraine’s website. The winner will also win tickets to a Lorraine Bowen event where they will meet Lorraine Bowen. The winner will receive a songwriting masterclass with Lorraine Bowen, a signed Crumble Lady CD and book, a Lorraine Bowen T Shirt, a chance to appear in a future Lorraine Bowen YouTube video. No cash alternative will be offered.
- Events may occur which render the awarding of the prizes impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the promoter and the promoter may, at its absolute discretion, vary, amend or suspend any of the prizes with or without notice.
- The competition will be judged within 60 days of the closing date (i.e. by 1st December 2017) and the parent or guardian of the winner will be notified by email on 3rd December 2017. The parent or guardian of the winner will have 10 working days to confirm acceptance of their prize otherwise the Promoter reserves the right to reallocate the prize to a reserve winner selected in accordance with these rules.
- The winners agree to the promoter’s use of their name, town of residence and photograph in relation to the promoter’s publicity material.
- The promoter will use any data submitted by entrants only for the purposes of running the competition unless otherwise stated in the entry details. By entering this competition, all entrants consent to the use of their personal data by the Promoter for the purposes of the administration of this competition and any other purposes to which the entrant has consented.
- To obtain details of the winner please email info@marlboroughtheatre.org.uk stating the name of the competition in the subject heading four weeks after the closing date.
- The winner agrees to take part in reasonable post event publicity and to the use of their names and photographs in such publicity.
- Promoter may disqualify any entrant whose entry does not comply with these terms and conditions (in Promoter’s sole opinion) or who, in Promoter’s sole determination, has acted in a manner that is fraudulent, dishonest or unjust to other entrants including, without limitation, tampering with the operation of the competition, manipulating or rigging votes, hacking, deceiving, cheating or by harassing or threatening other entrants or a representative of Promoter.
- The Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into in relation to the competition.
- The Promoter reserves the rights to amend these terms and conditions or cancel this competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, or if circumstances arise outside of its control.
- These terms and conditions are subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
- The Promoter is: Marlborough Productions CIC, 4 Princes Street, Brighton, BN2 1RD