

Hi I’m Lorraine Bowen and welcome to my NEWS page

SUMMER 2024!

I am so excited to be continuing to be working as narrator and singer for Moshi Monsters organisation… MoshiKids.  It’s fabulous to be reading stories and singing songs for the sleepytime app.  

The funny part of the job is I’ve been told if the child gets to the end of the story… you’ve failed!  The whole object of the project is to send children to sleep!  How funny!

My latest reading is ‘The Snoodles’ Wobbly Woods Excursions’.







Have you tuned into some


Lorraine Bowen’s CREATIVE JUICES



Lorraine Bowen’s CREATIVE JUICES


for anyone who wants a KICK UP THE BACKSIDE for a CREATIVE KICK!


Here are the track names…

1 Let’s Make Something Great

2 Sound of Inspiration (1)

Bubbling up ideas

4 Make A List

5 Sound of Inspiration (2) 

6 It’s OK to make Mistakes

7 Sound of Inspiration (3) 

8 How do you write a good song?

9 Sound of Inspiration (4) 

10 Be Original

Just type in CREATIVE JUICES – Lorraine Bowen into your preferred music platform





‘DESK EXERCISE’ is a great single to get you motivated!


An Exercise Workout Motivational Song for anyone who works at a desk!

Time to take a break!

Find Desk Exercise on Spotify, etc etc and get going!

Get energised, get moving, get back to work with a skip and a jump.


Desk Exercise
Desk Exercise

 Lorraine leads you through the actions with a funky beat and gets you movin’ and groovin’ before going back to that infinite email inbox.

It’s original, quirky, instructional and FUN!

It’s NHS approved too.


Lorraine wrote Desk Exercise because as a songwriter she finds herself slumped at her desk for many hours at a time.  She googled to see if anyone had written a short stretchy fun thing she could do for a quick break from her work and couldn’t find anything suitable.  So, she made up one herself and decided to share it.

Suzanne Rolfe, a friend of Lorraine’s who is an NHS Occupational Health Advisor helped with the types of exercises people need to do in their breaks.

Lorraine says “everyone who has done Desk Exercise says it gives them a boost, makes them feel energised and leaves them with a massive grin.

REVIEW from Captain Sensible

Very pleased to receive a glowing review from The Damned‘s Captain Sensible…

Captain Sensible and Lorraine Bowen

Lorraine Bowen – “The Crumble Song”
She’s a mate of mine from Brighton, a pretty wacky town, full of weirdos — like us I guess.

Somehow Lorraine got persuaded to do one of those awful TV talent shows, where she caused a bit of a sensation with this here song. Marching onto the stage with her Casio organ, and using an ironing board as a keyboard stand, away she went… “everybody’s good at cooking something — and I’m good at cooking crumble, in fact I’ve got one in the oven… would you like some”… and the look on the judges faces was priceless. What gave them the right to judge anything was the unasked question Lorraine’s pisstake of a performance seemed to be asking — she certainly managed to divide public opinion down the middle pretty much.

For those out there who think plastic surgery enhanced, boob job sporting but plausible sounding karaoke singers are entertaining she was a total joke… but for the rest of us it was nice to see a bit of old fashioned British ‘don’t give a f**k’ eccentricity on prime time TV. And that doesn’t happen nearly often enough.

Lorraine is an extremely talented, and very nice lady… available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, biker bashes, etc, etc.

I laughed like a drain!  THANKS CAPTAIN and have a good tour!



Yes I must admit I’m a YouTuber and love it!  

My YouTube channel has over 22,000 subscribers and is available on  

So do subscribe and tick the box for latest uploads!


If you would like to book my performances for private events please do so via the contact page!




Enjoy some more random news from Lorraine’s SOCIAL MEDIA FLOW…